Certification Process

Get an official certification as a PixieBrix Professional which you can upload to LinkedIn in under 3 hours!

  • All you need to start is a computer with Google Chrome and a Google or Microsoft account

  • Take the certification course and exam completely at your own pace

  • Get support throughout the course by joining our Community Slack or following along with our Certification Study Session video

Course curriculum

    1. WATCH: Welcome Video

    2. READ: Course Prerequisites

    3. READ: Course Overview

    4. READ: Certification Exam Format

    5. TRY: Join the PixieBrix Community for Support

    6. SURVEY: Why are you taking this certification?

    1. READ: PixieBrix Overview

    2. READ: Key Terms to Know

    3. WATCH: PixieBrix Mod Demos

    4. WATCH: The Wonderful World of Bricks

    5. Checkpoint Quiz #1

    6. TRY: Install the PixieBrix Chrome Browser Extension

    1. TRY: Open the Page Editor

    2. Checkpoint Quiz #2

    3. READ: Page Editor Guide

    4. TRY: Build a Translator Mod

    5. Checkpoint Quiz #3

    6. TRY: Build an AI Bot Sidebar

    7. TRY: Build a Highlighter Mod

    8. BONUS: More Tutorials

    1. TRY: Visit the Marketplace

    2. Checkpoint Quiz #4

    3. WATCH: Activate PixieBrix Mods

    4. TRY: Activate the AI Copilot Mod

    5. READ: Creating Copies of Mods

    1. READ: Extension Console Overview

    2. TRY: Open the Extension Console

    3. TRY: View Active Mods

    4. READ: Sharing Mods

    5. Checkpoint Quiz #5

    6. READ: Configuring Integrations

    1. READ: Admin Console Overview

    2. TRY: Open the Admin Console

    3. TRY: Create a Team

    4. READ: Managing Team Members

    5. Checkpoint Quiz #6

    6. TRY: Create a Group

    7. READ: Team Databases

    8. READ: Automatic Mod Deployments

About this course

  • Free
  • 43 lessons

Certification Walkthrough

Anders Jensen hosts "Get PixieBrix Certified 3 Hour Study With Me"

Join Anders Jensen for a 3 hour session where together where you will be able to connect with PixieBrix experts and developers alike. Join the community to motivate and support all our PixieBrix Certification participants!