PixieBrix + AI Certification
Learn how to build an AI tool with PixieBrix and ChatGPT. We'll walk you through the essentials of building with the PixieBrix platform and incorporating AI to build tools to improve your workflows and automate actions!
This certification only takes an hour and you'll be able to display your certificate proudly on LinkedIn!
Unpack an AI tool built with PixieBrix and learn how to interact with mods.
Dive into the core building blocks of PixieBrix for scraping data, fetching info, interacting with webpages, and displaying content.
Incorporate AI into your web-based tools to work smarter and faster, while preventing errors.
READ: What to expect
TRY: Get set up
READ: What is PixieBrix?
READ: Why PixieBrix with AI?
QUIZ: What is PixieBrix?
WATCH: What is ChatGPT Sidebar?
WATCH: Activating ChatGPT Sidebar
TRY: Try ChatGPT Sidebar
READ: Finding mods and activating them
TRY: Activate a mod
WATCH: Opening the Page Editor
TRY: Open the Page Editor
QUIZ: Did you open the Page Editor?
READ: Copying a mod
TRY: Copy a mod
QUIZ: Houston, do you copy?
READ: How can you tinker?
READ: Bricks Overview
READ: Starter bricks
TRY: Create a new mod with a starter brick
READ: Scraping data from a page
TRY: Extract data from page
READ: Making an HTTP Request
TRY: Set up an HTTP Request
QUIZ: What can PixieBrix do?
READ: Setting input value
TRY: Set input value
READ: Simulating DOM events
TRY: Simulate DOM event
READ: Creating a form
TRY: Create a form
READ: Setting variables and state in PixieBrix
TRY: Create a mod variable
READ: Handling logic in mods
QUIZ: How do you collect input from the person running a mod?
READ: Inputs for ChatGPT brick
TRY: Add the ChatGPT brick
READ: Messages and Roles
READ: Prompt engineering tips and tricks
READ: Temperature
TRY: Let's set up our ChatGPT brick
READ: Few shot prompting
TRY: Configure the few shot prompt brick
WATCH: Passing data to ChatGPT
QUIZ: How do you use AI and PixieBrix?
Start building today.